Janna Holmstedt

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A mixed and postdisciplinary gathering with listening sessions and talks by artists and researchers at R1 Reactor Hall, KTH Royal Institute of Technology. The session took place inside the large-scale art installation The Interplanetary Species Society (ISS) by Jonas Staal. ISS is part of the project Choreograhies of the Social curated by Edi Muka. Curated by Janna Holmstedt, the Posthumanities Hub, in collaboration with Jacek Smolicki, Fragmentarium Club, at the invitation of the Public Art Agency Sweden, Aug, 2019.


Janna Holmstedt, The Order of the Dolphin

In this mixed and postdisciplinary gathering, with listening sessions and talks by artists and researchers, we will visit the limits of communication(s) – when our technologies, ideas, languages and intentions fail us. We will among other things encounter phenomena that cannot be decoded, interspecies communication experiments, and speculations about how we can communicate with not only aliens but also inhabitants on planet Earth in a distant future.

In a society imbued with communication technologies and a positive belief in the possibilities of accurately formulating, transmitting, receiving and archiving, it might be sobering to consider situations where the communicative attempt takes us elsewhere. Where it derails our assumptions and intentions and where we admittedly are out of control. What can be gleaned from these limits and borderlands? What can be unlearned? What ethico-political considerations do they confront us with?

Participants: Cecilia Åsberg (founder and director of the Posthumanities Hub, KTH/Linköping Univ., SE), Marietta Radomska (co-director of the Posthumanities Hub, Linköping Univ., SE/Univ. of Helsinki, FI), Janna Holmstedt (artist, SE), mirko nikoli? (artist, SE/FI), Jacek Smolicki, (artist, SE/PL).


Marietta Radomska, From Terminal Ecologies to the Non/Living Earth: Storying an Archive

Jacek Smolicki, Per Aspera Ad Astra

mirko nikoli? , lie and shine: eleven steps of

Cecilia Åsberg, Planetary Speculation: Cultivating More-Than-Human Arts

Janna Holmstedt, The Order of the Dolphin

Photos: Jacek Smolicki and Janna Holmstedt
For full program description with abstracts, please see here


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