Janna Holmstedt

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Att dela ett samhälle [Sharing/Dividing a Society]

Texts by Catharina Gabrielsson, Stefan Jonsson, Marie Kraft, Doreen Massey, Jonathan Metzger and Emma Stenström, among others. Ed. Ann Magnusson (The Culture Administration within the Stockholm County Council, 2010).

An art project and a book
"Att dela ett samhälle" [Sharing/Dividing a Society] is the title of a 3-year art project as well as of this book. The book reports on the collaboration between four artists – Janna Holmstedt, Anna Högberg, Johan Tirén and Johan Waerndt – and the Stockholm Office of Regional Planning. Also included are reflections by a number of writers, offering a variety of approaches to art and regional planning.
Read Stefan Jonsson's essay "Tolv sätt att dela ett samhälle" (SWE) >>
Download the book as pdf (with a summary in English) >>

You can read more about the background of the project and the series of works that have been produced here:
2008 ”A Radical Shift of Scenery” [Radikalt miljöombyte] >>
2009 "Sharing/Dividing a Society" [Att dela ett samhälle] >>
2009 ”To Mushroom” [Som svampar ur jorden] >>

The project has been presented at:
"Verka", group exhibition and seminar on artistic strategies in urban space, Sep 10-19, 2009, Studio 44, Stockholm
"Open engagement - Commissioning and Producing Art for the Public Realm", group exhibition and international symposium, Sep 25-Oct 11, 2009, Marabouparken annex, Sundbyberg.
"Labyrinth 09 - Writings and Observations", Nov 7-Mar 13, 2010, Botkyrka konsthall.
”Att dela ett samhälle", exhibition, 28 Nov-9 Dec, 2009, Kulturhuset, Stockholm.
"Att dela ett samhälle", book release and seminar moderated by Catharina Gabrielsson, 1 Dec, 2010, Skrapan, Stockholm

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