Sonic Sensibilities
Sonic ecologies and modes of listening were further explored in the joint artistic development work Sonic Sensibilities, in collaboration with Jacek Smolicki, where our respective interests and different approaches to listening practices and sound technologies could meet. Through a series of curated public events at specific sites, and departing from various sound archives and the desire to communicate with other beings, our investigation of what a sonic sensibility might entail took form. The aim was to cross fertilize approaches and methods, and develop artistic and curatorial strategies that nurture attentive modes of listening. |

Top: Janna Holmstedt, The Order of the Dolphin, at R1 Reactor Hall, KTH, Aug. 2019. Photo: Jacek Smolicki. Bottom: Jacek Smolicki performs at Marabouparken, May, 2019. Photo: Marabouparken.
The project included a 90-minute performance, Sonic Sensibilities, at Spring Clean, Marabouparken, Sundbyberg (4 May 2019). In this listening session in three acts, the participants were led from outdoor soundscapes, to augmented, distorted and recorded sounds in a performative sound collage where everyday objects were used in unexpected and poetic ways, to historical sound archives, animal voices and storytelling in a lecture performance.
In the mixed and postdisciplinary gathering, /Mis/communication/s/ at Reaktorhallen, Stockholm (16 Aug 2019), with listening sessions and talks by artists and researchers, we visited the limits of communication(s) – when our technologies, ideas, languages and intentions fail us. The event was curated by Holmstedt and Smolicki, in the framework of Choreographies of the Social, on invitation from Statens Konstråd/Public Art Agency Sweden in the installation Interplanetary Species Society by Jonas Staal. It included interventions by Cecilia Åsberg, Marietta Radomska, Janna Holmstedt, mirko nikolic, and Jacek Smolicki. Full program can be found here. |

Interplanetary Species Society by Jonas Staal. Photo: Public Art Agency Sweden |

Jacek Smolicki performs Per Aspera Ad Astra. Photo: Janna Holmstedt |

Janna Holmstedt performs The Order of the Dolphin. Photo: Jacek Smolicki |

Marietta Radomska: From Terminal Ecologies to the Non/Living Earth: Storying an Archive. Cecilia Åsberg: Planetary Speculation: Cultivating More-Than-Human Arts. mirko nikoli?: lie and shine: eleven steps of |
Aspects of the projects has also been presented and developed in the paper presentation "Posthumanist Reflections on Listening, Interspecies Communication, and the Aesthetics of More-Than-Human Relations", RE:SOUND 2019 – The 8th International Conference in the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology, Aalborg University, Denmark, 20-23 Aug 2019.
With support from the Posthumanities Hub, Marabouparken, Fylkingen, and Ax:son Johnsons Foundation.
See also the work descriptions for Sonic Sensibilities and /Mis/communication/s/
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